viernes, 11 de julio de 2008

The Metropolitan Museum of Art...

México: esplendor de treinta siglos; Las colecciones del Vaticano, Esplendores de la China imperial, La gloria del bizantino, Arte egipcio en la era de las pirámides y...¿Superheroes fashion and fantasy...?

The symbolic and metaphorical associations between fashion and the superhero are explored in this compelling exhibition. Featuring movie costumes, avant-garde haute couture, and high-performance sportswear, it reveals how the superhero serves as the ultimate metaphor for fashion and its ability to empower and transform the human body. Objects are organized thematically around particular superheroes, whose movie costumes and superpowers are catalysts for the discussion of key concepts of superheroism and their expression in fashion. The exhibition and its accompanying book are made possible by Giorgio Armani.
Additional support is provided by Condé Nast.

Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy Through September 1, 2008 Special Exhibition Galleries, 1st floor

“Los superhéroes, como antes los héroes bíblicos y mitológicos, son en Nueva York los avatares de nuestra esperanza”, se explica a la entrada de esta muestra”.

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